This blog summarizes some important things you should take care of while redesigning your website. By following these steps, you can make sure that your website reflects your brand and customer base accurately, while also providing a user-friendly experience.
Here are some of the things to take care of while redesigning your website:-
1. Set a goal
2. Know what your website’s most valuable pages are
3. Review Your Current Website content
4. Know what to change (AB Split testing)
5. What Functionality Do You Need? or do your Customers need? (whether it’s present on your website or not)
6. Ensure that the website opens well on all top browsers and device sizes
7. The SEO Perspective content creation
8. Reanalyze the pages that have a higher bounce rate
9. Know who, why, and when is visiting your website
10. Know What’s Your Competition Doing?
11. Create a User journey route workflow